Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Rectifier - X Ray Technologist Blogs.

I have created a new section of links under the heading "Rectifier." No rectifier no x-rays. So I felt it was only fitting to redirect readers and pay homage to other similar blogs. A number of these blogs have executed what I only had good intentions of doing. Namely documenting thier way through the program. So if you really want to get a feel for how the program takes a toll on you I suggest you give these blogs a gander. In fact I have to go back and do some reading myself. One real nice thing about the variety of these blogs is the variety of locations and experience. You will see blogs from various different states written by students and technologists.

or False
  • The rectifier is placed between the step-up transformer and the x-ray tube to change alternaing current to pulsating direct current?

1 comment:

Dustin said...

Hi Dan,

Thanks for visiting my blog and putting a link to it on yours. As you can see from the date stamp of my last post, it has been some time since my last posted anything and I fully intented to remedy that this weekend. We will see what, in reality, actually happens. I hope you do take some time to read some of my previous posts. They may be helpful or at least entertaining.

Anyway, if its alright with you, I'd like to add a link to your blog on mine. Let me know if thats ok.

take care and keep the posts coming,

Desert Imaging